Saturday, June 16, 2012

Quotes,Sayings And Short Poems By Greg Neal-9

If the the past is written with memories of regret and sorrows. Then close the book!

Determination is sailing a ship when you have no wind to guide you. Never lose sight of your determination in life, it will take you to where you never thought the wind existed.

Frequent praise and attention is lifes most valuable gift. Whether to God, yourself, family or others. Make that your priority in life.

Our own observations provide the most reliable source of information about this world. It's only natural any claim that comes in conflict with what we observe has no credibility. A farmer never laid an egg but he knows more about eggs then hens do.

Do not become the slave of a man who manipulates you into dishonest scheme's.

The Roots of evil is man's made money. Money is a kingdom of deception that becomes ashes in time.

If someone is yelling and you don't say anything back, the person will eventually get tired of your lack of response. Just be patient. Don't add fuel to the fire.

If you are not truthful, dependable, trustworthy,honest, fair and legal. You will not succeed in business

Each day wear your heavenly shoes it will help you while your walking in the devils world

Respect each other in the year's ahead. It's not hard just listen and never question a person's opinion.

I don't know what's more beautiful, the one that looks at the flower or the wonder of the flower looking back.
 -Greg Neal-

In life Determination alone is not a guarantee you'll gain ground. You'll just have to sail your ship if you want to find your ground.
 -Greg Neal-

What we know and how we feel are two that never agree
-Greg Neal-

Life is...Breathing in and breathing out. What exist is nature and humans working together to fuel life.
-Greg Neal-

Life is a force of love to exist in another.
-Greg Neal-

Life is...Breathing in and breathing out. What exist is nature and humans working together to fuel life.
-Greg Neal-

Life is looking deeper into someone else before one looks deeper within themselves .
 -Greg Neal-

Life is a routine ,what we change about each day is our love to exist in another day.
-Greg Neal-

God gave you two legs in life, one for big steps and the other for little steps. All which lead to him in the end.
-Greg Neal-

Your strength is empowered by your forgiveness of others.
-Greg Neal-

The only time you'll ever quit lying is the moment you see the truth. Your hurting someone -Greg Neal-

Two differences of opinions is our nature. Honor everyone's opinions. It helps you walk in thier shoes and if there is something wrong with the shoe, one should be able to speak about it. Two shoes never move the same way, but they do get you to your destination.
 -Greg Neal-

Being depressed is not the end of your world. You letting depression win is the end of your world. Depression is not worth losing one day, hour, minute of your time here. You can overcome it with one belief. The belief in yourself. Depression can only survive if you feed it your fears, tears and years.
 -Greg Neal-

Nutrition is the key to life . God will drive you to a long life provide you bring the key.

Amazing Quotes Stories Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

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