Saturday, June 16, 2012

Quotes,Sayings And Short Poems By Greg Neal-6

Listen, feel, think. Speak ,empower,care.
 -Greg Neal-

Problems are not a problem. How you react to them is your problem. Never loss your patience in the face of your problems. Your reward will be the solution to your problem .
-Greg Neal-

What is life?...your one chance to show others how to live.
-Greg Neal-

Never spend time in your life trying to fit in. You were born in life to stand out
-Greg Neal-

Children are a gift from God. What you teach them is your gift to God.
-Greg Neal-

Finding the past in the present opens the door to yourself and how you look at your future
-Greg Neal-

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The words that we attach to our experiences, become our experience
-Greg Neal-

To one who is afraid, all seems dim. Bravery light's the darkness of fear.
 -Greg Neal-

Happiness depends upon ourselves. Look no further than yourself to find happiness.
-Greg Neal-

The words that we attach to our experiences, become our experience
 -Greg Neal

Looking to one's past is A path of footsteps. Written in the footsteps are the exploration of life
-Greg Neal-

What comes from within radiates outward to the world
 -Greg Neal-

We come across new friends every day.Some of them in the course of time turn out to be our special friends.It is difficult to get a true friend but, when you finally have one your world will change for the better.Friends should be genuine at heart and mind.Both members should fulfill the duty of friendship towards each other in order for the bond to strengthen.Only then the value of special friend's will be realized.
-Greg Neal-

In the void of sunshine only then will your inner soul light the darkness that blinds the eye. -Greg Neal-

In the days that past on earth we leave a shadow for the future. Written in our mind is the place where shadows come to life.
-Greg Neal-

For Christina...A Treasure for what the world digs hard for,others works hard for, for what drives humankind to find treasure in life has grace its most pleasurable treasure on earth to me. Christina the most valuable gift lies WITHIN you.Just to be in the presence of you in life precludes any event i ever witnessed in life. It has been achieved through our love and our blessing for each other.I Love You ♥
-Greg Neal-

I pray that God see's the burdens that we all endure for his world he created for us . I pray God forgives all those who have failed to live up to the expectations that have been placed upon us, by Him. In Jesus name AMEN.
 -Greg Neal-

Amazing Quotes Stories Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

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